Thursday, September 11, 2008


This morning Chris took the kids to school so I was able to sit here and watch the news with my hot coffee. While sitting here I noticed something go running past the window in our backyard. It doesn't usually bother me to see something run by quickly because we have a lot of deer that come through from either side and if you remember my wordless wednesday post a couple of weeks ago, we have had some turkeys strut through the yard.

What really grabbed my attention this morning though was the fact that whatever ran by was MUCH larger than a deer and darker. As I got up to investigate I heard the kids out at the bus stop carrying on loudly and noticed that what was in the backyard was coming back...a HORSE!!

Yes, I said a horse was in the backyard this morning. Don't know where he came from because the closest people I know with horses are several miles away in the opposite direction. So unless he had been loose all night, who knows where he belonged. Before I could do anything else he took off toward the middle school that is about 1/2 mile from the house and I never saw him again. This was all during a busy traffic time near the school too so I hope he was found and returned safely home.

If he comes back maybe I can start offering horse rides in the backyard!

1 comment:

The Spears said...

Not something you see every day. I like that money making idea or horse rides.