Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Excitement in Youngsville this morning!

I took the kids to school this morning and as I came through town all the lights were on as usual, less than 5 min later I come back through and everything is off. No traffic lights (we have 2), no lights on in Gigi's Coffee Shop and nothing happening at Griffins Restaurant.

When I got home I found out what had happened...a tractor trailer ran into one of our Sunday after church restarants just outside of town (they have fabulous fried chicken) and took out all the power for the whole town. Who knew that one little restaurant was the power source for the entire town!!

The kids are now home because no power means no school, we took a little detour on the way home to check out the restaurant (see news pic in previous post) and it is a mess down there. The truck is still inside, news crews EVERYWHERE and new helicopters too. No one inside was hurt except for the driver of the tractor trailer and they do not know what caused him to run off the road right now.

I know the family that runs the restaurant and I ask that you pray for them. They have had the place up for sale for several months and from the look of things I don't know if they will rebuild or not.

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