Friday, August 15, 2008

Traveling and Tears

Please bear with me as this will be a very long post:)

Wow! In the last 2 weeks I have been home a grand total of 36 hours!! First my mom and I traveled to Knoxville to see my aunt and uncle other family members. My mom's aunt Nora has recently been put in a nursing home, she will not be leaving but she does not know that yet. My mom wanted to come see her before she passes away, it could be today or 5 years from now but she is in frail health and recently fell at the home and broke her ankle. She had her moments while we were there of knowing what was going on but she also had several moments of where she thought my grandmother and another of my mother's aunts were still living. Please keep her in your prayers. It was so sad to look at all those people on the alzheimers ward with her, locked in and unable to come and go, bathe themselves or even know where they are.

We had an enjoyable time with my aunt and uncle while we were there. My mom and Janyce and I went antiquing one day and shopped the outlets in Pigeon Forge oneday. We had other family members up for dinner (they live on the family "farm" where my grandparents retired to ) and then on Sunday we took a trip up to Cades Cove. We drove the 11 mile loop with the van doors wide open and just took in the wonders of God's beauty. We saw numerous deer and turkeys and 3 bears. There were some oriental tourists who were trying to get the attention of the bears and started walking right out to where they were in the trees. You may hear about them on the news soon. After the trip through the cove we had a picnic at the river and the weather was absolutely gorgeous!!

My mom and I started back home on Monday, much to the relief of Chris who was Mr Mom all week. He did very well getting the kids to school (although they did try to stay home a couple of days but it did not work) and getting lunches packed and laundry washed. Camden was not so sure of the sweet tea Chris made but he drank it anyways. I arrived home around 7pm Monday evening and at 7:30 I sat down to check some email. I was shocked and saddened to hear that a my dear friend Jenna and her husband Brent had lost their precious little boy Carter. Jenna was 22 weeks pregnant with their first child and started having some complications while I was out of town. On Saturday August 9th she delivered their precious Christopher Carter Spears and after 1 hour and 21 min he left this world and entered the arms of Jesus.

Chris immediately asked me when I leaving for Atlanta ( I had only been home 30 - 45 min at this time) because he knew I wanted to be there for Jenna and Brent. So I spent Tuesday buying groceries and doing laundry before heading for Atlanta on Wed. I spent the night in Spartanburg with my wonderful friend Kellee Cogdill and her family. I enjoyed playing with her 4 kids ( I am going to bring Emilee home with me ) and then headed out Thursday morning for Atlanta and Carter's funeral service.

The service for Carter was beautiful. Lots of praise and worship music and their pastor Dr Frank Cox at North Metro Baptist in Lawrenceville delivered a wonderful message on finding joy in the tears. The graveside was very nice and was delivered by a dear friend of theirs who also married Jenna and Brent. The spot they picked out for Carter is surrounded by children and it is just a beautiful and peaceful space. Please be in continued and constant prayer for them. They are doing very well but I know that once everyone leaves and they are finally able to just be by themselves with each other there will be many hard and tough days ahead. They are extremely strong and have used this as an opportunity to minister to others in their this their time of grief.

After the service we went back to Jenna and Brents house and had a wonderful time of fellowship and laughter. Jenna and Brent are surrounded by so many people in Lawrenceville who care for them and it was so wonderful to see how much they are cared for not only at home but by others from throughout this country. Not only did I drive in from NC but they had a dear friend fly in from Texas and another drive in from Louisiana and that does not include all the emails and cards they have received the last few days. ( I guess I need to send a card:) ha ha) I left them last night in good and capable hands and will continue to lift them up in coming days, weeks and months.

I am now home and very tired from my drive from Atlanta today. It is raining outside and even though it is only 7pm I am ready for bed. The kids are at grandma's tonight and will be home tomorrow so I can sleep in tomorrow morning. I thank God for my safety the last 2 weeks, the new people I was able to meet and for allowing me to be there for my friends and worship with them and grieve with them.

1 comment:

The Spears said...

You make my and Brent's heart happy! Brent is so amazed at how awesome my friends are! (i told him!) We love you so so much. Glad your home safe.