Tuesday, August 26, 2008

12:01 am August 26, 1999

That is the day and time my little boy, Camden Wheeler Partin was born! ( a month early and weighing 8lbs 2 oz) So that means that today that baby is 9, yes, 9 years old!! I remember that day just like it was yesterday...I was scheduled to have a c-section and told to arrive at Duke by 7:30am, only when we got there the L&D floor was completely full and they sent us home and said to come back at 3pm. They ended up having to kick out a patient so we could have a room and we were finally put back into a room after 4pm. The nurses blew out my veins trying to get an IV started so they had to get the anesthesiologist to come do it (he got it the first try, why couldn't we just have him from the beginning) and after a lot of waiting around and "trying" to induce me which did not work, I was taken into the OR. I was sooooooo sick the whole time, I never felt the epidural and poor Chris had to hold a bucket next to my head the entire time. Once I was taken back to my room I got sick some more and PASSED OUT until the next morning with the exception of one moment I kind of remember where I was asking for the baby and then out again. After a few days in the hospital we went home and the rest is history...

He has become a big brother, started school, played baseball, been to Disney and accepted Jesus in his heart and been baptized by his late grandfather. In his 9 short years he has done a lot and there is still a lot left for him to do. I have not been the best mother but I have tried and I have loved him the every step of the way. I miss the baby days and sometimes think of having another but I like the fact that they are at the age where we are not having to lug around 4 car loads of stuff just to go to the grocery store and that we are not having to worry about formula and feeding and diapers. Pretty soon Camden will be the one buying formula and diapers but I hope that it is not too soon, I want to live in this moment for as long as possible.

Tonight it is dinner out, Camden picked Texas Roadhouse (even though I pushed hard for Fiesta Mexicana) and cupcakes this afternoon for his class:) Happy Birthday Camden, mommy loves you:)

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