Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The day after...

After having celebrated Camden's birthday yesterday I wake up today knowing that 6years ago today my grandmother, Grace passed away. She was a woman who you did not want to cross but she was a lot of fun too! She was not the nuturing, grandmotherly type but she taught me lots of things through the years like never go out without make-up (although there are days where I let that one slip), and through her actions and humor she taught me not to take any crap from anyone and she loved us all in her own way. I remember that she always used Ponds Cold Cream on her face and I remember the first time I saw her take off her little hair piece- I got off her lap sooooo fast, she would roll her hair in pin curls every night while watching Johnny Carson in her flowing white gown and the bottom drawer of the kitchen was the snack drawer :) She never left the house before 11am because she was in bed until 8:30 or 9am, she had a great style and she had great sense of humor. I have been told that I am a lot like her, so much so that one of my elementary school teachers used to call me Grace. (he grew up with my uncle and knew her well)

I hate that my kids will not have any memories of her. I have pictures of her with Camden on his first Thanksgiving and she got to see him again when he was a almost a year old but she only saw pictures of Grace. Camden was 3 when she passed and Grace was only 5 months old. My Grace is every bit like my grandmother in her attitude, fashion sense, sense of humor and outlook. I guess God knew I would need that reminder of Granny everyday when my Diva was born.

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