Sunday, May 4, 2008

Some News

Looks like Kathrine's baby has inheirted the stubborness of the Lamb Family! This past Wednesday she got a call from the Dr office telling her to come to Duke ASAP because her blood work had come back abnormal. They told her that her AFP came back saying that there was a 1 in 144 chance the baby would have Down Syndrome. Jared was out of town and I was busy so my mom went and got her from work, yes they called her at work, and took her Duke for an appointment with a genetic counselor and a level 2 ultrasound. The AFP test really does not have a great track record with accuracy in it's results so I was tried to reassure her that it was ok and that maybe her dates were wrong since that is a big cause for abnormal readings. The genetic counselor assured her that she thought everything was fine and when they did the ultrasound everything looked good:) Come October (or late September) there will be a new little girl in the family. Now they just need to decide on a name...

I have a new "job" that I started this week. I am now an Independent Consultant for Southern Living at Home. I have been trying to find something that would make money but still allow me to be at home for the kids and continue my volunteering at the school but I was not sure if this is what I really wanted to do. When I started looking into it I did not have the extra cash laying around to get the materials, etc... that I needed so I put it off. My mom and I went to the Southern Women's Show and Southern Living at Home had a booth set up and they were having a drawing for a free starter kit so I entered and said that if the Lord wants me to sell this then He will let them pull my name out and win the kit. Low and behold a few days later I got a call and I had won! So I guess it was meant for me to start this adventure. I have already received some of the items with 2 more boxes due to arrive tomorrow. Please visit my website where you can look through the online catalog and place orders or you can contact me if you would like to have a party, in home or catalog only. Hope to hear from you soon!

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